
Cristiana Apostol - Photographer

Posted on2019-12-09 by

Cristiana Apostol - Photographer

Romanian based underwater concept photographer.

Coming from a solid background of art history and cinematography, i have been specializing in creating underwater photography, which provides me with an interesting work medium.



Pentru ca am primit aceste intrebari:

Un "DA" din suflet pentru:

- Downloadare

- Utilizare a fotografiilor mele drept background pentru desktop

- Realizarea de schite desenate, pictate sau in tehnica mixta (atata timp cat rezultatele sunt pentru uzul propriu - schite pentru desavarsirea tehnicii de lucru, fara scop comercial si prezentare publica)

- Realizarea de tablouri (atata timp cat rezultatele sunt pentru uzul propriu - schite pentru desavarsirea tehnicii de lucru, fara scop comercial si prezentare publica)

- "Like" si "Share" fara restrictie. Ma bucur sa vad ca va plac imaginile mele si ca le considerati demne de atentia cunostintelor dumneavoastra. Le puteti arata familiei, prietenilor si vecinilor! Atata timp cat includeti si sursa imaginii, ma declar multumita! :)

Ce NU aveti permisiunea sa faceti, decat cu acordul meu scris, este sa:

- Va asumati si utilizati in scopuri comerciale fotografiile sau opere derivate din fotografiile mele, asa cum sunt descrise operele derivate in legea 8/1996.

- Prezentati public opere derivate din fotografiile mele, asa cum sunt descrise operele derivate in legea 8/1996.


Underwater photography i've done starting from 2009. All rights reserved. Ask before use.


Because i have received these questions:

A "YES" from the heart to the following:

- Downloading

- Using my photographs as desktop backgrounds.

- Making sketches, painted or in mixed techniques (for as long as you make them for your own betterment, without commercial purposes or public showing)

- Making paintings (for as long as you make them for your own betterment, without commercial purposes or public showing)

- "Like" and "Share" without restriction. I am happy to know that you like my images and want to share them with your acquaintances. You can show them to your family, friends and neighbours! As long as you include the source of the image, i declare myself happy!

Do "NOT" do the following, unless you have my written consent:

- Claim the images to be ours, use for commercial purposes the photographs or images derived from my photographs, as derived art work is described by the law 8/1996.

- Publicly present derived artwork based on my photographs, as derived art work is described by the law 8/1996.


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